Well, we've hit a roadblock with our journey. I had my HSG done on April 23rd. That is a test done at the hospital where a contrast dye is injected into the cervix, and the dye shows if there is any blockage in the Fallopian tubes, and in some cases fibroids.
The test showed that both of my tubes are blocked, and need to be removed.....it's a very sad decision, but we do have hopes that IVF will work after the surgery. I know so many of you are rooting for us, and I just wanted to keep those that are in the know aware of where we are in this long emotional roller coaster ride. Thanks again everyone for your well wishes, thoughts, and prayers
What is with the Pineapple reference?
The reason this baby is referred to as our little "Pineapple" is because of the nickname Bob gave me after we started IVF. Bob said because I had endured so much, and was so strong I was like a "pineapple". The outer shell of a pineapple is strong, stubborn, hard headed, but once you peel back those layers it's just a mushy, sweet fruit inside. So immediately when we found out we were pregnant the ladies on my board started calling the baby our like Pineapple. So there you have it, how the nick name Pineapple and TTP (Teeny Tiny Pineapple) came to be.
Why a blog?
I wanted to share our Journey of IVF and TTTC with others. It is and was a long difficult road, and I feel that if I can help even one woman find comfort, give suppport, and make a difference even just woman who is going thru infertility or IVF than I have done something wonderful. I've brought a sense of understanding and comfort to someone else. To my fellow TTTCR's I pray for us all, and we will have our babies.....
Our Dream
Some dream of big houses
Or shiny new cars,
Ours is to someday
Hold a baby that’s ours
Some dream of more money
To hoard and to keep,
Mine is to someday
Rock my baby to sleep.
Some dream of careers
In buildings so tall,
His is to someday
Toss his kid a baseball.
Some dream of great power
To be strong and tough,
Ours is to someday
Have a child to love.
Some dream of things
Such as silver and gold
Ours is of the day
Our child we’ll hold.
Or shiny new cars,
Ours is to someday
Hold a baby that’s ours
Some dream of more money
To hoard and to keep,
Mine is to someday
Rock my baby to sleep.
Some dream of careers
In buildings so tall,
His is to someday
Toss his kid a baseball.
Some dream of great power
To be strong and tough,
Ours is to someday
Have a child to love.
Some dream of things
Such as silver and gold
Ours is of the day
Our child we’ll hold.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
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