What is with the Pineapple reference?

The reason this baby is referred to as our little "Pineapple" is because of the nickname Bob gave me after we started IVF. Bob said because I had endured so much, and was so strong I was like a "pineapple". The outer shell of a pineapple is strong, stubborn, hard headed, but once you peel back those layers it's just a mushy, sweet fruit inside. So immediately when we found out we were pregnant the ladies on my board started calling the baby our like Pineapple. So there you have it, how the nick name Pineapple and TTP (Teeny Tiny Pineapple) came to be.

Why a blog?

I wanted to share our Journey of IVF and TTTC with others. It is and was a long difficult road, and I feel that if I can help even one woman find comfort, give suppport, and make a difference even just woman who is going thru infertility or IVF than I have done something wonderful. I've brought a sense of understanding and comfort to someone else. To my fellow TTTCR's I pray for us all, and we will have our babies.....

Our Dream

Some dream of big houses
Or shiny new cars,
Ours is to someday
Hold a baby that’s ours
Some dream of more money
To hoard and to keep,
Mine is to someday
Rock my baby to sleep.
Some dream of careers
In buildings so tall,
His is to someday
Toss his kid a baseball.
Some dream of great power
To be strong and tough,
Ours is to someday
Have a child to love.
Some dream of things
Such as silver and gold
Ours is of the day
Our child we’ll hold.

Friday, February 29, 2008

We have a visable sac!!

" While a gestational sac is sometimes seen as early as during the 4th week of gestation, it may not be seen until the end of the 5th week, when the serum HCG levels have risen to 1000-1500 mIU." Just something I found on a IVF Site...

I woke up this morning with some more spotting/bleeding. I was to go in tommorrow morning for another beta test. I called my Dr's office, and they told me to come in today to be seen, so I made the hour plus commute to my RE's office. They set up to do an ultrasound first to see where the bleeding is coming from. My cervix is long and closed, which is good, so they think it's just an irritation from the Prometrium. The nurse asked u/s tech if we can scan for anything visable, and Poof right away we have ONE perfect sac visable!!! I am measuring exactly 4weeks 5 days so they are estatic with that, so good I don't need any more blood work! In order for anything to be seen on ultrasound you must have HCG levels of at least 1000 I was only 320 on Tuesday, and nothing showed on ultrasound it's pretty obvious my numbers more than doubled! WOO HOO this is such a huge hurdle for us....and the nurse said everything looks perfect, just to take it easy, and I could even have a glass of red wine tonight if I want to. I guess Red wine is ok during pregnancy only occasionally though and right now I would be fine if I wanted to. I was so nervous, the nurse also reassured me if something looked off they would see that and would certainly tell me. We are over the moon right for right now we have one TTP ( Teeny Tiny Pineapple) that will be our babies name until we know the =0)

Here are a couple of snaps of the ultrasound. To find the sac...look directly under the "GE" on the left hand side. The black circle with a Gray sphere next to it is the Gestational Sac =0) Measuring exactly where I need to be =0)

Here is a close up You need to look dead center, and for the black circle that is it =0)

What is going on this week..

Your pregnancy: 5 weeks (4 Weeks Gestational)

How your baby's growing:
Deep in your uterus your embryo is growing at a furious pace. At this point, he's about the size of a sesame seed, and he looks more like a tiny tadpole than a human. He's now made up of three layers — the ectoderm, the mesoderm, and the endoderm — which will later form all of his organs and tissues.

The neural tube — from which your baby's brain, spinal cord, nerves, and backbone will sprout — is starting to develop in the top layer, called the ectoderm. This layer will also give rise to his skin, hair, nails, mammary and sweat glands, and tooth enamel.

His heart and circulatory system begin to form in the middle layer, or mesoderm. (This week, in fact, his tiny heart begins to divide into chambers and beat and pump blood.) The mesoderm will also form your baby's muscles, cartilage, bone, and subcutaneous (under skin) tissue.

The third layer, or endoderm, will house his lungs, intestines, and rudimentary urinary system, as well as his thyroid, liver, and pancreas. In the meantime, the primitive placenta and umbilical cord, which deliver nourishment and oxygen to your baby, are already on the job.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

First ultrasound is scheduled

Our first ultrasound will be on March 11th. One week shy of our two year wedding Anniversary.
How am I feeling...well I believe what is called Morning Sickness is rearing her ugly head.

Last night after eating a slice of pizza, I felt sick, and so fatigued, I was laying there watching TV at 6:30 the next thing I knew It was 8:10. I went up to bed at 9:30 and couldn't get out of bed this morning when my alarm went off at 6:00am, so I slept until 7:00.

I got up and showered, and I felt like hell throughout most of the morning. Between Heartburn, a gagging feeling, cramps, gas, pressure and bloat, I am just unfreaking comfortable right now. When I roll over in bed, it feels like someone has put a knife into my ovary, and is pulling at it. My nurse says that is completely normal, and so is feeling like hell. She said I may be one of the unfortunate ones who experiences m/s earlier than most. So I go for another round of bloodwork on Saturday, and then the wait begins until March 11th..I am praying we hear/see a heartbeat. This journey has been wonderful despite feeling poorly....and I don't want it to stop..=) Thank You all for your prayers, and thoughts..onto phase II..heartbeat...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

2nd Beta is back!

So on Saturday which is 13DPO or 10 dpt 3dt Beta #1 = 112
Today which is 16DPO or 13dpt Beta #2 = 320

I more than doubled...My doubling time is 47.54 and is a 101% increase.
I can finally relax, and enjoy this wonderful ride a lil more!
We go March 11th for our first ultrasound just 2 weeks! WOW!! My 2ww wait fast let alone another 2ww for our ultrasound, and best part is it's a week before our 2nd Wedding Anniversary!

Keep the prayers going we aren't out of the woods yet!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

4weeks 1day

I go in tommorrow for my 2nd beta. I am soooo freaking nervous, this is by far worse than the 2ww and finding out if you're pregnant or not! I am praying for a double we want this so freaking badly, and I honestly feel like if this ends up being loss #2 my faith and trust in god has been seriously demoralized, b/c he hasn't been very fair or kind lately. But, I am trusting in him to give us our miracle, and hopefully he will come thru! So how did today's HPT's pan out..
So which is darker the top or bottom you tell me.. and i'll tell you which is

Our Pineapples progress at 4 weeks....

Our pregnancy: 4 weeks

How your baby's growing: This week marks the beginning of the embryonic period. From now until ten weeks, all of your baby's organs will begin to develop and some will even begin to function. As a result, this is the time when she'll be most vulnerable to anything that might interfere with her development.Right now your baby is an embryo the size of a poppy seed, consisting of two layers: the epiblast and the hypoblast, from which all of her organs and body parts will develop.The primitive placenta is also made up of two layers at this point. Its cells are tunneling into the lining of your uterus, creating spaces for your blood to flow so that the developed placenta will be able to provide nutrients and oxygen to your growing baby when it starts to function at the end of this week.Also present now are the amniotic sac, which will house your baby; the amniotic fluid, which will cushion her as she grows; and the yolk sac, which produces your baby's red blood cells and helps deliver nutrients to her until the placenta has developed and is ready to take over this duty.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

4 weeks today

So I am exactly 4 weeks pregant today. So far I am feeling ok. I have KILLER cramps though! Which I hear is "normal". Only 2 days to go until our next beta! I am praying it doubled! We've been testing at home still hoping to see that line get darker and darker, and this is what we've got....MUCH DARKER!!! And this taken after I went to the bathroom about 10 mins earlier...I had to go again, so I said screw it!!! LOL

This in comparison to the one done yesturday morning with FMU. As you can see MUCH darker already! So that is the update here so far. I'll update again soon!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

It's confirmed and offical

Well just as I thought, and what we already knew by the HPT's it's confirmed by the blood test.

WE ARE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!

My levels are great...our last pregnancy my first beta was only at 70. This one is........... 112 baby!!!!!!!!!The RE is very happy with that number! I go back Tuesday for a recheck! Please please please please please please please double and sticky lil bean(s)'re mommy and daddy are waiting and have been for SO long! Thank you all so much as I said last night for everything ladies!!!!!!! BTW, my nurse said the spotting is nothing to be worried about, most women doing IVF experiecnce irritation with the Prometrium Capsules (progesterone supps), and that they see it alot in IVF pg's

So for now we are cautiously optomistic...and our EDD is November 2, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

3 Weeks 4 days

Well this was an expirement at best. I used the ladies room before taking this test, I to Dollar Tree got more tests, went home and tested again. Keep in mind that this one may is fainter too b/c I tested 20 mins after going to the bathroom, and I didn't leave alot of time for HCG to build back up. The first pic is the test from today, the bottom one is our test with our first valid BFP!

Beta is tommorrow!!! I hope I have a high # and it doubles nicely!

Friday 2/22

Wednesday 2/20

And finally the two tests from today...Late Afternoon, then Later Evening..already darker!!!! AGAIN!

A line really is a line!!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

3 Weeks 2 Days

Hi everyone, So I tested last night at exactly 7 days past 3 day transfer... it was POSITIVE!!! We are pregnant! We are tentatively due November 2, 2008 and are 3 weeks 4 days along.We are so incredibly excited, although we are still cautious until we see that heartbeat, so if you know me in person SSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! We will spread the news after we confirm heartbeat etc...but for now we are cautiously expecting!

I called my RE's office this morning and while my beta isn't due until 2/24 I am going in a day early so they can do a CBC as well =) Thank you everyone for your well wishes! Unfortunately the OHSS will only get worse until about 8-10 weeks of pregnancy.

Your pregnancy: 3 weeks

How your baby's growing: What's going on in your womb now? A lot. Your baby-in-the-making is just a tiny ball consisting of several hundred cells that are multiplying madly. Once the ball of cells (called a blastocyst) takes up residence in your uterus, the part of it that will develop into the placenta starts producing the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which tells your ovaries to stop releasing eggs and triggers increased production of estrogen and progesterone (which keep your uterus from shedding its lining — and its tiny passenger — and stimulates placental growth). HCG is the hormone that turns a pregnancy test positive; by the end of this week, you may be able to take one and get a positive result! (If your test is negative and you still haven't gotten your period in two or three days, try again then.)Meanwhile, amniotic fluid is beginning to collect around your ball of cells in the cavity that will become the amniotic sac. This fluid will cushion your baby in the weeks and months ahead. Right now, your little blastocyst is receiving oxygen and nutrients (and discarding waste products) through a primitive circulation system made up of microscopic tunnels that connect your developing baby to the blood vessels in your uterine wall. The placenta won't be developed enough to take over this task until the end of next week.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Update 6 days past transfer

Well things are going I guess....
Just a lil catch up in case some missed it...I had my 3dt Transfer on Wed the 13th. At transfer ultrasound tech noted quite large swollen ovaries, and immediately recognized it as an early warning sign on OHSS.

I went in Sat Feb 16th for an ultrasound and it was discovered at that point that my ovaries are quite enlarged, and one is lying on top of the uterus, and the other is sort of wrapped around underneath the uterus.

I was put on coach potato rest aka bed rest for the weekend, and instructed to take precocity, and just relax. I had an episode Sunday where a surge of sharp pain came on and I proceeded to be sick to my stomach, and called the Dr. on call, and well didn't get much of an answer or help for that matter, except that I could come in for another ultrasound. I went in today Feb 20th for an ultrasound, and nothing much as changed.

My ovaries are still really big, infect a wee bit bigger, and are still in the same position. One on top of uterus the other behind, I was instructed that is we are in fact pregnant the OHSS will only get worse. My Estridol level is at 3426 which is extremely high! My ultrasound tech whom I love also advised me that last week at their weekly meeting, she had said the meeting to the Dr's this is a patient that we need to watch, and if she calls be alarmed..She is at a very high risk of OHSS, and here is why, yet somehow the Dr. on Sunday was telling me how "Rare it is to have OHSS after retrieval"

Anyways...I have to call them on Friday and update them on how I am feeling, and Sunday is the big Beta day =0) Will keep you all posted.....

As far as symptoms I've pretty much have had nothing..until last night I noticed those lovely blue veins across my chest, and then at approx 11:30 this morning a strong feeling of sleepiness, mixed in with wanting to hurl came on, is this good or bad, could it be =0)

Monday, February 18, 2008

5 days past transfer

I am not feeling to hopeful this cycle. Infact my spirits seem to be really down...
I went in Saturday for an ultrasound, and they found that my ovaries were still extremely big. Infact one had twisted behind my uterus while the other is laying in front of sort of on top. I was put on bedrest throught the weekend until Tuesday when I go back to work. Yesturday I had some really bad pain, and was throwing up. I called the RE on call, and lets just say today I cannot wait for my regular RE to be back from Maternity Leave. I feel sort of dismissed, by the dr that called back last night. There were so many things this cycle that just has left me discouraged, and down. Between the OHSS, and not being able to make our OWN decision on weather to do a 5 day trasnfer or a 3 day transfer has left me sort of feeling resentful towards the lab, and annoyed. We were told from day one that as long as we had 6 or more embryo's growing that we would do a 5 day transfer seeing the last 2 3 day transfers failed, and the only BFP we ever got was from FET using 2 blasts. Well we were told the morning of transfer that we had to come in that day b/c we only had 4 embies left. WE find out AFTER the fact after we are there that there were 6 more they were cultruing to blast stage. So you mean to tell us that we had 10, and we weren't allowed to make our OWN decision about 3dt vs 5dt? Are you God? Are you us?Have you been thru this over and over and over again? Didn't think so. I know alot of this seems harsh, but I am just so frustrated...beyond frustrated..why is it that this is my body, our family, our future, and after 3 failed attempts you're not chaning our protocol, looking at WHY we aren't getting pg, and keep us at the same level, same meds...etc...If we don't get pregnant this time, I am having a very LONG talk with our RE. OK rant over for now....I am tired, and going to close my eyes for a bit, maybe I'll blog some more later.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Had a surprise ET today

Quite a shock to us, as we were told and planning on a 5dt. I got up this morning, and went to work as usual, as the lab never called at 7:30am, as I was instructed they would if I needed to go in today. At Approx 8:45 I get a message on my cell phone that I need to be in today at 11:00am for an 11:30 transfer. DOH!!! We live over an hour away, and have quite an ice storm here! So I frantically called MH, ran home to get my RX to bring to pharmacy, dropped it off at CVS, picked up DH and off we went. I was told on the phone that we had 4 top grade embryo's hence why transfer was today. I was shocked! We were told that we had to have 5 or more embryo's to be considered for a 5dt we found out once we got there that you have to have 5 or more top grade embryo's to do a 5 day. We had we transferred 3 of the four, a 7 cell and 2 8 cells. These were the highest grade embryo's we've ever had in any cycle, so they are feeling quite good about it. The 4th embryo will be frozen today at 3days, and the other 6 they are going to culture out to see if they make it to a blast stage, and then freeze those! I am PRAYING we get snowbabies...this cycle has been an up and down cycle as always with any cycle.

I also found out I have a mild case of OHSS, which they aren't sure will get better, so we've were given a list of things to watch out for, as my HCG will peak in the next couple of days which makes OHSS worse. OHSS is an over stimulation of the ovaires, and they get really big and puffy and cause complications. Usually after retrevial the ovaries go back down to normal size, mine are not, and are still just as puffy. And will cause upset stomach, fluid in the abdomen, diaherrea, and make you really sick. I was advised to not ignore any symptoms I have between now and my beta. I was told I can take a percocet tonight (even with embies transferred) b/c I've been having alot of lower back and abdominal pain and pressure. I pray this was our cycle, and that this will be it. I go back to work tommorrow but was hoping to have a couple of days off for R&R now that's not going to happen. Usually I have to pull a ton of files, and lots of up and down, and etc..I may tell work Dr. said not to do anyof that due to the OHSS....I just don't want to aggrevate anything or jeopradize anything going wrong~ So this is my offical request for sticky BFP Dust...and I am officially in 2WW. Thanks ladies for all the support!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Embie update

Well we are doing a 5 day transfer on Friday 2/15/08.

My nurse called today and out of the 11 Embryo's that fertilized we have 9 beautiful embies. Most are Grade A 4-5 cells, the rest are top grade 1-3 cell. A fresh blastocyst has a higher implantation rate, than that of a 3 day embryo/frozen blast. Sooo now we wait 2 more days, and then a few more, and then hopefully share wonderful news in the upcoming days! Grow and stick lil Embies!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Fertilization report is in

Out of 20 eggs, 12 were mature.
All 12 were ICSI'd, and 11 fertilized.

We will find out on Wednesday if we are doing a 3 day transfer on Wed or another 5 day on Friday. I am praying we get a 5 day b/c blastocysts tend to implant more than 3 day embryos. SO please send us lots and lots of Embie dust!! =0)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

IVF #3 Retrieval report

Things were great...except for when I woke in pain...this one was by FAR the worst pain wise afterwards..however, it paid off! I thought I was dreaming when the RE came in to say we got 20!!! Yes 20 beautiful eggs!! I am PRAYING that at least that a majority of them are mature enough! First time around we got 6, and only one fert. 2nd IVF we got 7 with 6 being able to be ICSI'd and all 6 we have 20, and we are doing ICSI again! Cmon lil eggies....please be good eggies!!! I will find out tommorrow what our fert report is. I am praying this is our string of good luck FINALLY coming our way after all the bad we've had. I will just be crushed if they call tommorrow, and say "Sorry we only have 6 now" I guess I am being paranoid, b/c I've just had nothing but bad news with my other cycles...and let downs, and just have little faith in all good news lately. Could things be really turning around for us?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Last night of Stimming

Many people asked what is Stimming? How do you do your injections? What is involved well this video done on the last night of stimming is the answer.


I mix Menopur, Lupron, and Gonal-F

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

1st U/S and bloodwork since stimming

Well looks like this cycle FLEW by!!! I will most likely be going in for my ER Sat or Sun, which means trigger (HCG Injection) tommorrow of Fri night. I am hoping for Saturday is the day that I go in so I will have all day Sunday to recover as well, which I've never been able to do before. It's always been surgery, then back to work the next day, which given on how much they had to dig has sometimes been painful! It will also give my body a chance to heal a lil bit before taking in those beautfil Embies!
We will be doing ICSI again this round, and will transfer 3 if it's a 3 day transfer 2 if we make it to blast.

My lining is triple lining...which means the bleeding I had last week is unexplained.

My RT Ovary is progressing slower than the left. I have around greater than 14 follicles on it, and about 6 or 7 or 8mm-14mm. The LT ovary is greater than 14 on it as well, showing quite a few at 19-21mm. So one is progressing more than the other.
They also cked my cervix, and for polyps, cysts to explain the bleeding last week. I had some free fluid, so they aren't sure what the bleeding was. That is it for now...sprinkle me with baby dust please =0)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Cruise Videos

Some videos from our recent Cruise..again remember to press pause on the Music Media Player above before starting youtube video.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Started Stimming

Well I started my Stims tonight.

These are the meds I am doings this round

1 Viale Menopur
10 Units of Lupron
150 iu's of the Gonal-F
1 Baby Aspirin
1 Pre-Natal
2 Antibiodic's per day

I had to call the Dr. on call tonight b/c I started bleeding again so I called to make sure it was ok to move forward with Stims. She said it was fine to go move forward, and we'd see more of what is going on when I go back on Wed. Hopefully all is ok!!!