Thank you all first and foremost for all of your prayers and thoughts. So...this is what happened I was sitting on couch talking a friend of mine this morning, drinking my morning sickness tea, and I stood up and felt a gush, I assumed it was the prometrium supplement, so a few mins later I went to the bathroom wrong...there was Blood everywhere heavier than a normal period (sorry TMI) I yelled to Bob and said I am hopping in the shower to clean up call the RE on call, let them know we are going to the ER. The Dr. called back after I got out of the shower. At first he had me totally mixed up with another patient, after a min or two of him rambling on about my chem pg, and how we'd have to see how my draw is tomorrow, and this is common and it sounds like a miscarraige. I said I think you have me confused with the wrong patient I am 6 weeks along. He apologized, asked what was going on, and then basically told me there is nothing we can do to just relax and come in the morning. Completely not useful, and well we basically said SCREW THAT we are not sitting around bleeding heavily with NO answers!!!! So off to the ER we went, they got me right in, I was a mess in tears, and the Nurse, and Dr. we had were AWESOME. Apparently, BMC doesn't do ultrasounds on Sundays unless it's an emergecny, and my case was not seen as an "emergency" but when I told then told the dr all we had been thru, he looked as us and said man you've been thru hell and back...I am gonna really push to get you an ultrasound. We informed him that we transferred 3 embryo's and only one was visable it became a life threatening emergency. (Possible, ectopic, of one of the embies..etc..)So he gets us to ultrasound stat! Also they were watching my bloodpressure closely, it was high, then dropped, then back up. Needless to say I have the headache from hell right now. So we go off to ultrasound, bleeding has lessened at this point but still pretty steady. The Gestational sac is still in tact, as well as the yoke sac, and WE SAW THE HEARTBEAT!!!! Amazing to see for the first time..there was the yolk sac, and then above that we saw this grey pulsating blob. It was very faint but there, I am however measuring at 5w6d instead of 6 weeks, and EDD is 11/4. Now the diagnosis..We get back to our room and the gives us the news. I have what is called a threatened miscarriage. I am on Strict bedrest only to get up to go to the Bathroom only! I cannot return to work tommorrow per the ER Doc, and have to go to my RE in the morning. My HCG levels are a huge 15,338! My white blood cells are slightled elevated, which isn't necessarily uncommon, but still alaring. My beata is a doubling time of 51.4 hours. I feel so bad for Bob he's been working straight since Friday morning basically coming home to just sleep, and today was his day to recoop and relax, So we aren't out of the woods yet by anymeans...I want this so badly, and this baby is my world already, I do not know what I would do if we lost it...thanks for listening girls, and for the prayers, we need them....